Security: Exception to the Rule?Security: Exception to the Rule?
In his <a href="">most recent column</a>, Art Wittmann explained that we're not going to see a "year of the cloud" because cloud is an evolutionary process, and evolution takes time. In general, that's true, but there's one area where the pace tends to be quicker—security. Attackers aren't sitting back waiting for new techs to gain maturity. They're throwing everything they have at our networks, hoping

In his most recent column, Art Wittmann explained that we're not going to see a "year of the cloud" because cloud is an evolutionary process, and evolution takes time. In general, that's true, but there's one area where the pace tends to be quicker—security. Attackers aren't sitting back waiting for new techs to gain maturity. They're throwing everything they have at our networks, hoping something sticks and yields a payoff in stolen data.Remember when perimeter security was still considered a socially acceptable strategy? Seems like not so long ago I edited the NWC "Secure to the Core" cover story where Greg Shipley declared that defense in depth was the way to go. It wasn't so long ago that Mike Fratto covered NAC, and I am now watching with interest the rise of data-centric security and DLP.
This is evolution on steroids that would shame even Mark McGwire, and it got me wondering: What's next?
To find out, InformationWeek Analytics and Dark Reading are looking to highlight the 5 best security innovations that will usher in the new decade. The report will be written by noted corporate security, counterespionage, and cybercrime researcher and DR blogger Gadi Evron. We're not looking for iterative updates of existing technologies. Rather, we want to find out what will be the big guns vendors will deliver to infosec groups as they gird up for the ongoing arms race with sophisticated and well-organized attackers.
If you think you have the Next Big Thing in security, tell me about it at [email protected].
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