Unified Communications, Take 1Unified Communications, Take 1
The best thing about my job is hanging out with smart people. I had that opportunity last Friday when I attended the filming of a series of videos on unified communications.

The best thing about my job is hanging out with smart people. I had that opportunity last Friday when I attended the filming of a series of videos on unified communications.Mike Healey, CEO of Yeaoman Technologies and a prolific InformationWeek Analytics contributor, delved into UC via a primer then covered Cloud vs. Controlled UC; Guts and bolts: Making sure UC works; Compliance and UC: Avoiding Pitfalls; Overcoming End User Objections: Tips and Tricks; and UC Nirvana: Does It Exist?
Technologies with difficult-to-quantify ROIs -- like UC -- seem to have largely been lost in the heat and light surrounding cloud and virtualization. But maybe it's time to take another look. Check out the first video and watch for the rest of the series. ">
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