Voice In Second Life Gets Two Thumbs Up. Or Claws. Or Tentacles. Or Whatever Appendage Is Appropriate For Your AvatarVoice In Second Life Gets Two Thumbs Up. Or Claws. Or Tentacles. Or Whatever Appendage Is Appropriate For Your Avatar

I had a chance to test-drive voice in Second Life this afternoon and found it to be an outstanding experience, after a few bumps and problems getting started. <a href="http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=199601260">Read the first-impression review of voice in Second Life.</a>. Voice is going to fundamentally change the Second Life experience, in which communication has now consisted exclusively of text chat, with the sometime addition of out-of-band phone calls and

Mitch Wagner, California Bureau Chief, Light Reading

May 16, 2007

1 Min Read
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I had a chance to test-drive voice in Second Life this afternoon and found it to be an outstanding experience, after a few bumps and problems getting started. Read the first-impression review of voice in Second Life.. Voice is going to fundamentally change the Second Life experience, in which communication has now consisted exclusively of text chat, with the sometime addition of out-of-band phone calls and Skyping.

I've heard some resistance to to voice in SL from users. Some of them are disabled in such a way that they can't use voice. Others hate talking on the phone. Others say that voice will ruin the immersive Second Life experience -- the illusion of reality.

What do you think? Does voice make your more likely to try Second Life if you're not already in it? Will you use voice? Leave a message below and let us know.

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About the Author

Mitch Wagner

California Bureau Chief, Light Reading

Mitch Wagner is California bureau chief for Light Reading.

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