Microsoft's iPhone Keyboard To Feature One-Handed Typing ModeMicrosoft's iPhone Keyboard To Feature One-Handed Typing Mode
Microsoft is testing a one-handed software keyboard for the iPhone that fans out from one corner -- a move that may strike a bit of déjà vu for those who saw the company's last angled one-handed keyboard in 2012.
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iPhone 7 Rumors: 7 That Have People Talking (Click image for larger view and slideshow.)
Microsoft has gone back to the drawing board for its angled, one-handed software keyboard and may be hitting a winner this time around. The software giant is reportedly testing its Microsoft Word Flow keyboard for iOS, which allows users to type away with just one hand on an arched keyboard, according to a report in The Verge.
Under the current design that Microsoft is internally testing, users would have the ability to cradle the iPhone in one hand and use their thumb on the arched keyboard that fans out from the lower corner of the phone, according to The Verge, which cites "Sources familiar with Microsoft's plans." With one tap on the keyboard, users can toggle between the one-handed mode and the more traditional keyboard display.
Back in 2012, Microsoft noodled around with a similar concept, in which the keyboard was also angled and designed for users to type with their thumb while holding the device with one hand, according to a post by WMPowerUser. The older design, however, had several letters clustered on a single key, requiring more thought when typing. Under the Windows Phone keyboard for iOS, each letter has its own key.
It remains unclear why this angled, one-handed, thumb-typing feature has taken this long to re-emerge, but then again, Microsoft's Windows Phone efforts have undergone a lot of changes, such as the company's Nokia acquisition that was designed to boost its phone efforts, but fell short.
[See 5 Ways Microsoft Messed Up Mobile.]
With Microsoft's latest reincarnation of the arched keyboard, Microsoft Word Flow for iOS will also offer many of the same features as its Windows 10 Mobile phone does, such as the ability to swipe letters rather than type, word suggestions that pop up to ease typing, and emojis, notes The Verge, pointing to a possible Word Flow release on iOS in the near future and an Android version sometime this year.
As for Windows 10 Mobile users, it's unclear whether they will receive the benefits of this arched one-hand design. Their mobile keyboard has the ability to squash the keyboard to the far right or left of the screen. What may be a likely scenario is that Microsoft will let the market decide which is the preferred choice and, in future updates, morph the winner onto those devices that don't have the winning keyboard.
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