Don't Give Up On APM Just YetDon't Give Up On APM Just Yet

Application performance management tools are declining in popularity with IT managers, even as application work gets harder. Here's advice on how to keep up with performance demands.

Michael Biddick, CEO, Fusion PPT

January 28, 2013

4 Min Read
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InformationWeek Green - Jan. 30, 2013

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Modernizing APM

Modernizing APM

The complexity of application delivery environments is outstripping the ability of APM products to monitor and manage performance. As a result, application managers are less interested in APM products than they were 18 months ago. That's the top finding of our Application Performance Management Survey of 300 IT business leaders about their use of the technology.

Over the past few years, the big management software vendors have been on a buying spree that's resulted in overlapping tools and poor integration, which at least in the short run has only exacerbated the problem. The level of customer frustration with APM tools is at an all-time high. Our survey found that for those companies opting out of APM tools, 51% say the products require too much staff time to implement correctly -- a jump of nearly 20 percentage points from our survey finding two years ago. What happened?

Application performance management is focused on ensuring the overall quality of application services users receive. Who wouldn't want that? In our survey, 86% said application services are very or critically important in their companies, about the same percentage as two years ago. The tolerance for application service problems has been consistently low over the past several years, though there seems to be an increase in tolerance compared with 2010. There's no question that applications are the primary interface that users have with the IT department. Our laptops, mobile devices and desktops are all provided for the goal of accessing applications. To a great degree, therein lies the problem: Delivering everything to everyone, all from a dynamic, virtualized data center, makes performance assurance much harder than it used to be.

The Complexity Of APM

Research: The Next Wave In APM

Complexity Leads To Frustration
Our full report on application performance management is free with registration. This report has 30 pages of action-oriented analysis, packed with 21 charts.

What you'll find:

  • Advice on how to measure the value of APM

  • Breakdown of which vendors are most used for APM

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In the early days of APM, software vendors provided application-specific agents that monitored not only operating systems but also critical elements of the applications themselves. Usually, some sort of network monitoring tool checked on the transport for the underlying applications. The agents focused on monitoring database applications, Web servers, email and other standalone business applications. Agents for custom applications were and are a lot harder to create, so for those apps incidents are usually tracked from calls to the help desk and then tossed over the fence for the application developers to take a look.

The underlying problem then and still today is that when users experience problems, these monitoring tools can't identify the cause. System, application and network groups often point fingers at one another, as they can't identify which component of the infrastructure is causing the problem. Countless hours spent hunting down problems are the stuff of Sherlock Holmes novels. This frustration has caused many IT organizations to seek tools that can provide end-to-end monitoring and identify root cause problems, or to give up on APM all together.

Our recent data shows that the fraction of applications monitored by an APM system is down considerably since our last survey in 2010. Despite the low tolerance for application problems and the importance of applications themselves, fewer than 40% of the companies in our survey use APM tools, consistent with the findings of our 2010 survey.

The vendor community's approach to APM is quite fractured. Respondents to our latest survey cited more than 40 vendor tools of the more than 100 on the market. The most widely used APM vendors in our survey, all cited by 20% or more of respondents, are CA, Citrix, EMC, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle.

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About the Author

Michael Biddick

CEO, Fusion PPT

As CEO of Fusion PPT, Michael Biddick is responsible for overall quality and innovation. Over the past 15 years, Michael has worked with hundreds of government and international commercial organizations, leveraging his unique blend of deep technology experience coupled with business and information management acumen to help clients reduce costs, increase transparency and speed efficient decision making while maintaining quality. Prior to joining Fusion PPT, Michael spent 10 years with a boutique-consulting firm and Booz Allen Hamilton, developing enterprise management solutions. He previously served on the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin Law School as the Director of Information Technology. Michael earned a Master's of Science from Johns Hopkins University and a dual Bachelor's degree in Political Science and History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Michael is also a contributing editor at InformationWeek Magazine and Network Computing Magazine and has published over 50 recent articles on Cloud Computing, Federal CIO Strategy, PMOs and Application Performance Optimization. He holds multiple vendor technical certifications and is a certified ITIL v3 Expert.

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