How To Minimize the Impacts of Shadow IT on Your Business

Detecting shadow IT is only one part of the equation. Companies should work to address why shadow IT is so popular with its users.

Network Computing, Contributor

July 19, 2022

1 Min Read
abstract of project management

Self-starting and initiative are desirable traits in a worker. Every employee should look for and find ways to increase efficiency while making their jobs a little easier. However, as Albert Camus once posited: “…goodwill can cause as much damage as ill-will if it is not enlightenment.”

There are extreme negatives to granting your non-IT staff untethered autonomy and full access to IT resources. While workers’ intentions may be well-meaning, installing unauthorized software or using unverified devices can lead to unwieldy shadow IT.

Organizations must continue to defend themselves from insider threats. The following guide will explore how you can protect your business by minimizing the impacts of shadow IT.

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Network Computing


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