Digital Harbor Announces New Version of PiiEDigital Harbor Announces New Version of PiiE

News - November 8, 2004

InformationWeek Staff, Contributor

November 11, 2004

2 Min Read
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Digital Harbor, provider of software for composite applications, has introduced the newest version of its award-winning PiiE platform. Designed to help end-users in both government and commercial enterprises easily and quickly respond to dynamic business events, PiiE 4.5 links existing information from many different sources into a single hybrid application, so users can form a complete picture of a situation. As the number of applications in an organization proliferates and the amount of data grows, the need for business people to easily "connect the dots" is becoming increasingly acute.

To help organizations connect the dots, PiiE 4.5 offers new dashboarding, semantic web services, and enterprise information integration (EII) features that help knowledge workers in a variety of industries, including financial, energy, transportation, and healthcare, perform cross-functional tasks like compliance, case management, cross-selling, logistics, and incident management. Suggested uses for government agencies are to address multi-dimensional problems like horizontal fusion, network-centric warfare, and threat analysis and response.

"Today's managers have so many applications and so much information that their primary challenge is to link many pieces of information together to get a complete picture of the situation. The features in this release place the power of information linking in the hands of the user," said Rohit Agarwal, Digital Harbor's president and CEO. "Using PiiE allows for very fast deployment of integrated composite applications — companies can deploy an operational system within 60-90 days rather than the usual 6-12 months."

According to Digital Harbor, the combination in PiiE 4.5 of dashboarding and analysis capabilities with semantics, ontologies, and EII means that users can link information contained in ERP applications with web services, XML documents, JMS messages, and business processes, as well as data in custom-developed financial applications, providing greater transparency without expensive modifications to these installed systems.

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