Google Addresses Web Analytics Standards
It was with some measure of satisfaction that I saw Justin Cutroni's blog on Google Analytics compliance with Web Analytics Association metrics standards. Cutroni works for EpikOne, a Google Analytics Authorized Partner... Now that Google Analytics has taken the step to "go public," perhaps the other vendors will soon follow.
It was with some measure of satisfaction that I saw Justin Cutroni's blog on Google Analytics compliance with Web Analytics Association (WAA) metrics standards. Cutroni works for EpikOne, a Google Analytics Authorized Partner.
You see, I'm asking all of the vendors I'm evaluating in Web Analytics Report to explain how they comply with the standards. The timing of this blog was perhaps no coincidence, as I've been working with Cutroni on updating my evaluation of Google Analytics.You see, I'm asking all of the vendors I'm evaluating in Web Analytics Report to explain how they comply with the standards. The timing of this blog was perhaps no coincidence, as I've been working with Cutroni on updating my evaluation of Google Analytics.
While I consider CMS Watch the consumer watchdog of Web and content technology, it's nice to see that some of our work may actually help encourage vendor transparency.
As I wrote when Dennis Mortensen matched up IndexTools to the Standards, all Web Analytics vendors should step up.
Now that Google Analytics has taken the step to "go public," perhaps the other vendors will soon follow.It was with some measure of satisfaction that I saw Justin Cutroni's blog on Google Analytics compliance with Web Analytics Association metrics standards. Cutroni works for EpikOne, a Google Analytics Authorized Partner... Now that Google Analytics has taken the step to "go public," perhaps the other vendors will soon follow.
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