'The Office's' Dwight Joins Second Life'The Office's' Dwight Joins Second Life
<em>The Office</em>'s favorite beet farmer and assistant to the regional manager, Dwight Schrute, is getting into Second Life, according to a report on the blog <a href="http://justjared.buzznet.com/2007/10/10/the-office-local-ad/">Just Jared.com</a>. Dwight's avatar, "Dwight Shelford," features "a profile that proclaims his love of a variety of NBC Universal movies and shows, and his desire to 'calculate the exchange rate between <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztj1N8qKRr0">Schrute bu

The Office's favorite beet farmer and assistant to the regional manager, Dwight Schrute, is getting into Second Life, according to a report on the blog Just Jared.com. Dwight's avatar, "Dwight Shelford," features "a profile that proclaims his love of a variety of NBC Universal movies and shows, and his desire to 'calculate the exchange rate between Schrute bucks and linden dollars,' " according to Second Life Insider.
Check out the stills here and here from the episode, which airs Oct. 25.
Second Life Insider hopes The Office won't "paint the virtual world as yet another haven for slightly twisted, socially inept, loser oddballs." Of course it will.
Dwight already has a blog, and receptionist Pam Beesley has a MySpace page. A few months ago, the page maintained the fiction that it was really Pam's page, but now it's more of a page for actress Jenna Fisher, who plays Pam. Jenna declares a passion for "making cupcakes and then transporting them with my Cupcake Courier!!!" Those Hollyweird actress-types sure lead glamorous lives, don't they?
Other Office characters with their own MySpace pages: Kevin, Meredith, Creed, Roy, and more.
Last week, the creators of the show CSI: New York announced that their Oct. 24 and Feb. 5 episodes will be about the murder of a prominent member of the Second Life community, and investigators will have to go into SL to solve the case. The producers will launch an area in SL for CSI role-playing games.
And moviemakers last week launched a role-playing game in Second Life based on the upcoming Will Smith movie I Am Legend (wherein moviegoers will be able to judge whether Smith can chew the scenery as well as Charlton Heston, who made the original version The Omega Man).
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