'V For Vendetta' Phone Coming To U.S.?'V For Vendetta' Phone Coming To U.S.?
In the film "V For Vendetta," all the movie's office yuppies carried identical cell phones -- a sweet black and very thin rectangular gadget that (like all technology in the movie, including old-school Dell PCs) seemed oddly primitive for the year 2020, but that would nevertheless be a very cool phone to have now. And soon you may be able to buy one.

In the film "V For Vendetta," all the movie's office yuppies carried identical cell phones -- a sweet black and very thin rectangular gadget that (like all technology in the movie, including old-school Dell PCs) seemed oddly primitive for the year 2020, but that would nevertheless be a very cool phone to have now. And soon you may be able to buy one.A Korean company called KTF Technologies plans to start selling in that country next week what it claims is the world's thinnest cell phone: the 7.9 millimeter EV-K100, a tiny phone that weighs just 2.1 ounces. The phone has an internal antenna, built in camera and MP3 player, 165 megabytes of storage and a 1.8-inch screen.
The phone looks EXACTLY like the "V For Vendetta" phone.
A story that appeared today on the PDA Street site makes it clear that the company has designed this phone for possible sale in the U.S. It's compatible with Verizon and Sprint networks, and a spokesperson for the company told a reporter that "it is not a big deal to change our phone's format from CDMA to GSM" for export abroad, including to the United States.
KTF is no stranger to the U.S. market, either, making phones in partnership with UTStarcom on phones for the American market.
Why not "unmask" it as the "V For Vendetta" Phone - on the 5th of November!
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