A Sunny Look At StartupsA Sunny Look At Startups
Lots of talk this week about <a href="http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080415-sun-touts-big-plans-for-opensolaris-as-first-release-nears.html">OpenSolaris from Sun</a> as the market treads gently on what it may mean. Is this Sun doing the right thing or chasing the latest trend? Similarly, Sun was at our Startup Camp in London last month, rubbing elbows with and offering help to fledgling startups left and right. What gives?
April 15, 2008

Lots of talk this week about OpenSolaris from Sun as the market treads gently on what it may mean. Is this Sun doing the right thing or chasing the latest trend? Similarly, Sun was at our Startup Camp in London last month, rubbing elbows with and offering help to fledgling startups left and right. What gives?Well, for one thing, Sanjay Sharma, Sun's director of startups and emerging markets, said it's the biggest startup in the world. Sun is an unstructured company designed for innovation, he said.
That may well be true, but Sun was in London to talk to startups about the value of a relationship with Sun. No harm there, and certainly Sun has plenty to offer, both in terms of scaling a business and equipment. Here's our video interview with Sharma, and you can find out more here.
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