Amazon Leaks Apple SecretsAmazon Leaks Apple Secrets
As Apple pursues legal remedies against online publishers that have <a href="">published supposed trade secrets</a>, it may have to contemplate suing its own sales partners to seal loose lips.

As Apple pursues legal remedies against online publishers that have published supposed trade secrets, it may have to contemplate suing its own sales partners to seal loose earlier today was offering a new Power Mac model that Apple hasn't announced: a dual-processor 2.7-GHz Power Mac G5, with 512 Mbytes of RAM, a 250-Gbyte hard drive and 16x dual-layer "SuperDrive." Mac news and rumor site Think Secret reported just such a model on April 14.
But Amazon's post has since been altered, and the new Mac is no longer advertised. AppleInsider predicts Apple will officially unveil the new models on Wednesday.
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