Apple's MacBook: Hot Enough To Fry An EggApple's MacBook: Hot Enough To Fry An Egg
It may be, however, that the site originally hosting the pi

No really, it is. At least it sure looks that way from this picture of someone cooking an egg on a MacBook.
Unfortunately, the source link provided from the Unofficial Apple Weblog returns a page that doesn't contain the cited post or picture. So perhaps some skepticism is in order.
It may be, however, that the site originally hosting the picture can't handle the traffic. That's a pretty common occurrence when small sites get noticed in the blogosphere.
This screenshot of an Intel Core Duo running at 153 degrees Fahrenheit certainly makes computer-top cuisine seem possible.I can report from personal experience that the MacBook Pro can't really be used as a laptop without an insulating layer, like a thick magazine between lap and computer. I recommend one of those 600-page wedding magazines or a Webster's dictionary for maximum comfort.
Before you try this at home, it may be worth noting that Whole Foods advises cooking food at 165 degrees Fahrenheit or higher to kill bacteria. So you'll probably need to fire up a processor-intensive application to preheat your cooking surface.
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