Funny Song: Let's Join A Social Network Just For TwoFunny Song: Let's Join A Social Network Just For Two
Ze Frank is back! The author of a hilarious and witty videoblog that ran, by design, for only one year, has returned to the interwebs with a spoof of social networks. Give it a listen; it's just 1:29 long. </p>

Ze Frank is back! The author of a hilarious and witty videoblog that ran, by design, for only one year, has returned to the interwebs with a spoof of social networks. Give it a listen; it's just 1:29 long.
Via Valleywag, which warns: "The chorus, with the repeating phrase 'online all the time,' has the potential to get locked in your brain all afternoon."
Until I heard this song, I thought it was hip to take a self-portrait photo in the mirror. But now I know better.
Missed The Show With Ze Frank?? Then I envy you, because it's new to you. Three of my favorites:
Warning: Ze is offensive in about 12 different ways, so if you watch in a public place, such as work, you'll want to do it with headphones, and then be prepared to endure odd looks from all the people around you as you giggle like a crazy person.
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