Guess What, Steve -- I Don't Love ItGuess What, Steve -- I Don't Love It
We think our customers are going to love this, said Steve Jobs in Apple's press release yesterday announcing that its iTunes store would sell <a href="" target="_blank">DRM</a>-free versions of EMI's music catalog. Wrong. I like it, but, please, Steve, stop doing me favors that (1) raise music prices 30% and (2) force me to take the extra steps to remove your AAC encoding.

"We think our customers are going to love this," said Steve Jobs in Apple's press release yesterday announcing that its iTunes store would sell DRM-free versions of EMI's music catalog. Wrong. I like it, but, please, Steve, stop doing me favors that (1) raise music prices 30% and (2) force me to take the extra steps to remove your AAC encoding.
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