The Brexit Effect: 8 Ways Tech Will Feel The PainThe Brexit Effect: 8 Ways Tech Will Feel The Pain

Brexit -- the vote by the UK to exit the European Union -- will have far-reaching impact on the enterprise tech business, not only in Europe and the UK, but also in the US and Asia for companies doing business in the region.

Pablo Valerio, International Business & IT Consultant

June 26, 2016

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About the Author

Pablo Valerio

International Business & IT Consultant

Pablo Valerio has been in the IT industry for 25+ years, mostly working for American companies in Europe. Over the years he has developed channels, established operations, and served as European general manager for several companies. While primarily based in Spain, he has also lived in Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark. His knowledge of the European IT business and his interest in EU technology initiatives spurred his move to technology writing. For the past four years, he has been a regular contributor to several publications in the IT ecosystem, focusing on privacy, security, mobile technology and smart cities. His work has appeared in InformationWeek, EETimes, Enterprise Efficiency, UBM Future CitiesDell's Tech Page One, and SAP Business Innovation, among others.

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