Watch The Video Of My Interview With Fox News About Social NetworksWatch The Video Of My Interview With Fox News About Social Networks
Fox Business had me on this morning to introduce its viewers to social networking. I explained a little about what it is, who the big players are, and why it's popular. I talked about the differences between the three big companies, MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo, and why people like them. We're a social species (I said), and socnets replace the kind of face-to-face casual conversation we'd have if we all lived in the same small town and ran into each other on the streets every day. Watch the video

Fox Business had me on this morning to introduce its viewers to social networking. I explained a little about what it is, who the big players are, and why it's popular. I talked about the differences between the three big companies, MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo, and why people like them. We're a social species (I said), and socnets replace the kind of face-to-face casual conversation we'd have if we all lived in the same small town and ran into each other on the streets every day. Watch the video below.
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