24 E-Government Initiatives24 E-Government Initiatives

sidebar to: The Buck Stops Here -- 24 E-Government Initiatives chart

InformationWeek Staff, Contributor

April 12, 2002

4 Min Read
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Government to citizen

Business case

Managing partner

Eligibility Assistance Online

Eases the process for citizens in need to find out, apply for, and conduct transactions regarding government-assistance programs.

Department of Labor

EZ Tax Filing

Simplifies the filing of taxes for businesses and individuals.

Department of the Treasury

Online Access For Loans

Facilitates process for citizens to identify government-backed loans and apply for them.

Department of Education

Recreation One Stop

One-stop, searchable database of recreation areas throughout U.S. that includes online mapping, transactions such as campground reservations, and purchase of recreational passes.

Department of Interior

USA Service

Lets citizens personalize a combination of governmental services obtained across multiple programs and agencies in a secure environment .

General Services Administration

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