How Do YOU Work in the New Workplace?How Do YOU Work in the New Workplace?
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.

Regular readers are aware of the changes we are undergoing as we move from an industrial age mind set to the knowledge economy. One of the intangibles we have yet to define is the issue of knowledge worker productivity. We all know WHEN we are productive but that really is more of an impression, analogous to Justice Potter Stewart's comment of "I know it when I see it."
One question that comes up relates to man and machine, specifically the interworkings between the two. Do we work with the technology or are we actually mere prisoners of the technology, sometimes using our ingenuity to make a difference?
In our quest to shed light on this matter we are launching a survey, The New Workplace.
In addition to asking about work habits, we ask for real life stories about the creative use of technology to enhance productivity and how workers adapt technology in creative ways. Survey takers are encouraged to share success stories of how they were able to push the technology envelope, making an individual or company more successful, productive, agile and/or profitable.
Not only is this an opportunity for you to share insights on knowledge work, but all survey takers will receive an executive summary of our findings (if requested). In addition, one lucky survey taker will win a new Microsoft Zune digital music player.
I'm also starting work on a book on productivity and the best stories will be included in the book.
Please share the link ( to the survey with others in and outside your organization. The more information we collect, the easier it will become for everyone in the knowledge economy.
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