How To Open Blank Pages In Mobile Safari
Many users like to set their browser's homepage to blank. Here's how to do it in Mobile Safari.
If you want to keep your browser clean in Mobile Safari, it's easy to do. Here's how to set up Mobile Safari so it opens up to a blank page every time you launch it.
First, launch Mobile Safari on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.
Clear the address bar by tapping on the white X in the address bar.
In the address bar type: about:blank
Tap Go.
Tap the Sharing button. Select Add To Home Screen.
Now give the icon you just created a name. This name will be the icon's label.
A new white icon appears on your iOS device's Home Screen. Now move it to another screen or put it into a folder if you like. Every time you tap on that icon, you'll get a blank screen.
This comes in handy at home or the office. It lets you load the browser more quickly. It also stops it from loading some default site you'd rather not share.
Based in Houston, David Martin is a technologist at BYTE. Follow him @David_W_Martin or email him at [email protected].
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