Looking at the <a href="">Intellasys</a> / Chuck Moore multicore parallel Forth(s) engines <a href="">SEAfo
SEAforth-24A Chip
Looking at the Intellasys / Chuck Moore multicore parallel Forth(s) engines SEAforth-24 and SEAforth-40C18
Pictured here (courtesy Intellasys) is the 40C18, 40 very fast dual-stack cores with tiny RAM connected Up-Down-Left-Right in a grid to their neighbor cores. Only the edge nodes, certain of the edge nodes, can do I/O. Program bits travel in a bucket brigade to interior and I/O-less nodes across the 4x10 chessboard.
The only one-word description that fits Chuck Moore's microprocessor creation is trippy. Left is right and right is left. A core sending to the "right" is received by the neighbor core listening to the "right". The words "left" and "right" are merely conventional, like "up" and "down" in quantum theory.
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