Traffic JamTraffic Jam
Two companies are looking to <a href=",72078-0.html?tw=rss.index">use cell phone location data to track traffic:</a> "By using anonymous data from wireless providers to mark how fast cell-phone handsets are moving -- and overlaying that information with location data and maps -- IntelliOne and AirSage hope to offer more detailed information and pragmatic advice than other firms that monitor traffic through radar, helicopters or cameras. But some critics are

Two companies are looking to use cell phone location data to track traffic: "By using anonymous data from wireless providers to mark how fast cell-phone handsets are moving -- and overlaying that information with location data and maps -- IntelliOne and AirSage hope to offer more detailed information and pragmatic advice than other firms that monitor traffic through radar, helicopters or cameras. But some critics aren't so sure the benefits outweigh the potential privacy risks."
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