Verizon Plugs UCVerizon Plugs UC
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I joined an analyst call with the folks from Verizon today, in which they updated us on their approach to--and services for--UC. Here are a few higlights:
Verizon sees a lot of interest in UC (thousands of customers are evaluating it), but says that most of them don't have the technical expertise needed to implement a truly unified infrastrucutre (enter Verizon's professonal services).
Verizon believes the high-profile nature of UC deployments also makes failure a scary proposition for IT proponents; as a result, they're taking their planning and evaluations very carefully.
Verizon is making a lot of noise around embedding UC into business processes.
One customer, with 14,000 employees, has dropped its use of Cisco Personal Communicator and is instead relying on OCS and Verizon's services.
Cost savings has and continues to be a huge motivator for Verizon's UC customers.
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