71 Scanner Terms You Need To Know
Think you know everything you need to know about scanners and document imaging? Think again. From "Achromatic Color" to "Zoom," the latest addition to the <a href="http://bmighty.informationweek.com/how-to_imaging/index.jhtml">bMighty Scanner How-To Center</a> is a <a href="http://bmighty.informationweek.com/how-to_imaging/util/download.jhtml?id=178700001&cat=whitepaper">free downloadable</a> guide to more than 71 key terms that can help you scan business documents faster, better, and more effic
Think you know everything you need to know about scanners and document imaging? Think again. From "Achromatic Color" to "Zoom," the latest addition to the bMighty Scanner How-To Center is a free downloadable guide to more than 71 key terms that can help you scan business documents faster, better, and more efficiently. Here's a sneak peek at the top 10 -- how many do you know?More From bMighty:
10. Anti-aliasing: The technique of adding dots to smooth out 'stair-steps', or 'jaggies' seen in images as they are viewed at increasingly larger size.
9. Blend: A technique used to smooth the transition between image areas, either by contrast or by color.
8. CMYK: Commonly used acronym for the colors used to produce the full range of color - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and blacK.
7. Dithering: A process of averaging adjacent pixels or color dots to produce a more gradual transition between colors.
6. Dmax: In scanning, the range of densities between the highlights and shadows of an image.
5. Gamma: A correction to the color rendition of an image. Also known as gamma correction or gamma encoding.
4. Histogram: A graphical representation of the range of color values and brightness of an image.
3. Moire: A pattern -- occasionally produced when scanning halftone images -- that interferes with accurate representation of the scanned image.
2. Posterization: An image effect that reduces the number of shades to produce distinct bands of color with relatively high contrast between each band.
1. TWAIN: In scanning, a software component that connects a scanner and a computer graphic editing application. An acronym for Technology Without An Interesting Name.
If you knew 'em all, congratulations, you don't need to check out the glossary. (No cheating, though. Did you really know what TWAIN actually stands for?) If you weren't quite sure, you'll definitely want to see the whole guide.
Either way, you can turn to the Scanner How-To Center for more great downloadable guides:
Plus, you can watch exclusive scanning video and get access to original best-practices research on how growing businesses use document imaging.
Look for new guides to be added soon!
More From bMighty:Scanner How-To CenterFree Downloadable Guide - 71 Essential Scanning Terms
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