Nokia N810 Hacked To Run Android, HTC To Debut 'Dream' Phone In May?

News about <a href="">Android</a> is slowly beginning to gather steam anew. First up, some developers have decided they can't wait for it to be finalized and hacked their <a href="">Nokia N810</a> Linux-based Internet tablets to run the Android platform. On top of that, HTC has invited a bunch of journalists to a special eve

Eric Ogren, Contributor

April 9, 2008

2 Min Read

News about Android is slowly beginning to gather steam anew. First up, some developers have decided they can't wait for it to be finalized and hacked their Nokia N810 Linux-based Internet tablets to run the Android platform. On top of that, HTC has invited a bunch of journalists to a special event in early May. HTC doesn't usually party it up too much, so this could be the introduction of its Android-based 'Dream' phone.It looks like the same enterprising developers who put Android on some old Sharp handhelds have done it again. This time, the device is the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, which already is based on a Linux operating platform. Obviously, the phone functions won't work, as the N810 doesn't have cellular radios on board. The rest of the applications, however, appear to have no problem running.

For the enterprising developer, has posted a how-to in order to get Android up and running on your N810. The directions include detailed information on what you need to get started.

If that's not enough Android news for one day, there's something afoot at HTC. It sent out mysterious invites to an event being held in London on May 6. It reads, in part, "witness the next wave of HTC innovation." To me that means a sea change of some sort. Though HTC has been married to the Windows Mobile platform for some time, it also is part of the Open Handset Alliance. HTC's CEO has committed the company to produce at least one Android-powered handset by the end of 2008. This announcement, this "next wave of innovation," could be its Dream phone.

Thankfully, we won't have to wait long to find out. Less than four weeks to go until the event.

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