IBM Buys Arsenal Digital - Everyone Gets In The Act

Apparently enough people have been taking my advice for the big boys of the storage business to take notice. Iron Mountain now owns Connected Corp. and LiveVault, S

Howard Marks, Network Computing Blogger

January 15, 2008

1 Min Read

Like every other professional geek, I get more than my share of friends, family, and friends of friends asking for technical advice and support. At the top of my list of recommendations is that the SOHO crowd, which for my money includes anyone that doesn't have an IT department, should get an account with an on-line backup service.

Apparently enough people have been taking my advice for the big boys of the storage business to take notice. Iron Mountain now owns Connected Corp. and LiveVault, Seagate's acquired EVault, EMC snapped up Berkeley Data Systems, who ran Mozy, and last month IBM announced it was picking up Arsenal Data Solutions.Arsenal was a pioneer in online server backup and has always had a business orientation with services that included extensive management and backup solutions for hosted applications, as opposed to Mozy or even Connected, which concentrated more on laptop users. They'll be joining IBM's Business Continuity and Resiliency Services (BCRS) business unit, giving all those nice men in blue suits and wing tips yet another service to sell.

I'll be taking a closer look at online backup services over the next couple of months as I'm a bit disappointed in my current provider and need to find a new one.

About the Author(s)

Howard Marks

Network Computing Blogger

Howard Marks is founder and chief scientist at Deepstorage LLC, a storage consultancy and independent test lab based in Santa Fe, N.M. and concentrating on storage and data center networking. In more than 25 years of consulting, Marks has designed and implemented storage systems, networks, management systems and Internet strategies at organizations including American Express, J.P. Morgan, Borden Foods, U.S. Tobacco, BBDO Worldwide, Foxwoods Resort Casino and the State University of New York at Purchase. The testing at DeepStorage Labs is informed by that real world experience.

He has been a frequent contributor to Network Computing and InformationWeek since 1999 and a speaker at industry conferences including Comnet, PC Expo, Interop and Microsoft's TechEd since 1990. He is the author of Networking Windows and co-author of Windows NT Unleashed (Sams).

He is co-host, with Ray Lucchesi of the monthly Greybeards on Storage podcast where the voices of experience discuss the latest issues in the storage world with industry leaders.  You can find the podcast at:

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