CIA Agents Detail Enterprise Self-SabotageCIA Agents Detail Enterprise Self-Sabotage
One of the keynotes at the Enterprise 2.0 conference featured a couple of guys from the CIA discussing the Intellipedia project to create an internal wiki shared by the entire U.S. national intelligence community... They quoted from the now famous, "General Interference with Organizations and Production" section of the 1944 OSS Simple Sabotage Manual...

One of the keynotes at the Enterprise 2.0 conference featured a couple of guys from the CIA discussing the Intellipedia project to create an internal wiki shared by the entire U.S. national intelligence community.
They shared many good nuggets about overcoming institutional and cultural resistance. (My favorite line, "in our work, 'collaborator' has a very different connotation.")They also quoted from the now famous, "Section 11: General Interference with Organizations and Production," from the 1944 OSS Simple Sabotage Manual (OSS -- Office of Strategic Services, predecessor to the CIA). To quote:
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