Obnoxious Hipster Startups Must Die

Dear Lord, please tell me not all startups are as smug, self-satisfied, and alcohol-centric as this one.

Andrew Conry Murray, Director of Content & Community, Interop

September 29, 2008

1 Min Read

Dear Lord, please tell me not all startups are as smug, self-satisfied, and alcohol-centric as this one.OK, it's time to dial back on the startup culture because I can't tell if the video below on Xobni is a parody or the real thing.

Did the company co-founder who hosts this video intend to slyly mock the startup environment he swims in, or are well-funded young hackers simply too delirious to be self-aware?

The video starts with a frat-guy genuflection to partying. His narration is peppered with outdated hip-hop slang. Throughout we are treated to a checklist of startup clichés: ironic disco balls, Aeron chairs, free lunches, and dogs at the office. The video ends with the delivery of beer by a hipster in a trucker hat. Time to get their drink on.

If this is parody, it's "Office" worthy. If not ... ouch.

I realize the context of the video is important. It's part of a series about life in American offices, so the goal wasn't to provide a sober or market-friendly pitch about the product or its benefits. It was supposed to be loose, informal, and fun.

Perhaps this was a bit too loose. I'm sure these guys have a lot to be proud of, and I'm sure they work incredibly hard, but they need to chill with the smug self-satisfaction. Yes, it's cool you have a company chef and a closet full of candy, but take a hint from the guys in QA: put your headphones on and get back to work.

About the Author(s)

Andrew Conry Murray

Director of Content & Community, Interop

Drew is formerly editor of Network Computing and currently director of content and community for Interop.

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