Where Are The Groundbreaking Security Technologies?Where Are The Groundbreaking Security Technologies?
Every day I speak with numerous security product companies. The reasons for these discussions vary. Some are pitches for <em><a href="http://www.informationweek.com">InformationWeek</a></em> product reviews, others are for my <a href="http://www.alvarezandmarsal.com/en/global_services/dispute/services/data/security.html">security consulting day job at Alvarez and Marsal</a> (yes, shameless plug), and some are for companies I advise. Here is my dilemma. I am pitched so many products each day b
Every day I speak with numerous security product companies. The reasons for these discussions vary. Some are pitches for InformationWeek product reviews, others are for my security consulting day job at Alvarez and Marsal (yes, shameless plug), and some are for companies I advise. Here is my dilemma. I am pitched so many products each day but I rarely hear of anything that is really new and ground breaking.
PR reps, keep reading and don't bombard me with hate emails. Yet.There are a few spaces in which I think the vendors are undervalued and I like speaking to these product companies. These spaces are areas that may not be the hottest new markets but are troublesome areas for the guys, and girls, in the trenches doing the day-to-day work.
From time to time, there are even ground breaking technologies that I have the privilege of seeing. Unfortunately, they are far and few between. I am not going to use this post to plug any vendors or spaces, but you know who you are. For those new to my ramblings or who have not met me, I say exactly what I think of products and don't hold back. This gets me in trouble from time to time, but I think it helps vendors when they are open to my $.02.
The real point of this post is to ask readers, PR, vendors, and anyone else who might see this to point me to some really cool security technologies that are ground breaking. I will check them out and post the 3 or so most interesting that my loyal readers send to me in the next week.
Email me at [email protected], tweet me @adamely, or you can even pitch me on Facebook in the middle of the night like some reps do.
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