40 Tech Gifts For The Holiday Season

When it seems like the techie in your life already has every next-generation gadget and gizmo on earth, just the thought of finding them a good gift can make you wince with expectant agony. But no one actually has everything, and there's bound to be something out there that will tickle their tech fancy. From TVs to smartphones, green gadgets to slightly goofy gadgets, jaw-dropping sound to peaceful wake-up calls, here are 40 ideas for the holidays or any other gift-giving occasion. Prices are ro

Kevin Casey, Contributor

December 7, 2010

40 Slides

An iPad can be many things to many people: Laptop replacement, travel companion, entertainment source or just good old-old fashioned toy. The 16GB Wi-Fi version of Apple's tablet will run you $499 and suit most people's needs, but the on-the-go gadget buff probably really wants the 3G model, which starts at $629. Buying the data plan required for the later would certainly wrap a nice extra bow on the gift.

What gift do you get for the tech-obsessed professional or business owner who works, works and then works some more? It can be tough to figure out, especially if they're always on the go and you can't keep tabs on what they already have. The good news: These busy pros are usually so devoted to their work or business that they never take time to give themselves gifts -- and that's where you come in. Here are some ideas for work and for play, though of course the line between the two might get a bit blurry.


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About the Author(s)

Kevin Casey


Kevin Casey is a writer based in North Carolina who writes about technology for small and mid-size businesses.

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