An Ironic User's Guide To The iPhoneAn Ironic User's Guide To The iPhone
It seems everyone is talking about the iPhone these days, including Dave Eggers' hip literary journal <a href="">McSweeney's</a>. McSweeney's writer Darren Cahr offers some interesting and creative ways <a href="">to make use of the iPhone</a>.

It seems everyone is talking about the iPhone these days, including Dave Eggers' hip literary journal McSweeney's. McSweeney's writer Darren Cahr offers some interesting and creative ways to make use of the iPhone.Among Cahr's more amusing suggestions:
XIII. Using the iPhone to take pictures of celebrities without underpants
XIV. Using the iPhone to become governor of an oil-rich former Soviet republic where the temperature often drops to 76 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit), and then buy an English Premier League soccer team
XV. Using the iPhone to better understand the coming synergies between Disney and Apple, and the fact that no conflicts involving the Sarbanes-Oxley Act will ensue
XVI. Using the iPhone to develop the new, John Lasseter-inspired design of a theme-park ride called "the iPhone Flume!"
XVII. Using the iPhone to assist Nicole Kidman in playing a frankly commercial Mrs. Coulter in the new adaptation of The Golden Compass without losing the anti-Miltonian vibe or the stuff about the Magisterium
And my two personal favorites:
XXIII. Using the iPhone to attain inner peace
XXIV. How to change the iPhone's battery
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