E-Waste 101: How to Recycle IT Equipment and Reduce Impact

Learn to recycle e-waste responsibly with our short guide that includes tips on safe disposal, sustainable buying, and protecting the planet from electronic waste.

Data Center Knowledge, Staff & Contributors

May 27, 2024

1 Min Read
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pile of metal junk

Much of the conversation surrounding sustainability and the IT industry today focuses on reducing the carbon emissions that stem from powering IT equipment.

But here's another major sustainability challenge that IT departments across the globe should address: e-waste. In many respects, e-waste is just as serious a scourge as carbon when it comes to harming the environment. On top of that, e-waste can also have a negative impact on health and quality of life in developing countries, and failure to manage e-waste properly may lead to governance and compliance issues.

For all these reasons, developing a plan to tackle e-waste should be a priority for any organization that owns IT equipment -- since sooner or later, almost all of that equipment will turn into e-waste.

This guide breaks down everything IT organizations need to know about e-waste management, including where e-waste comes from, why it's harmful, and how to address e-waste challenges through effective electronics recycling and disposal.

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