Overrated! Underrated! 18 Technologies That Don't Get The Respect They Deserve
Perception does NOT equal reality. Many technologies simply can't live up to their hype, while others languish in unwarranted obscurity. bMighty.com pumps up the hidden gems and takes the blowhards down a peg.
Perception does NOT equal reality. Many technologies simply can't live up to their hype, while others languish in unwarranted obscurity. bMighty.com pumps up the hidden gems and takes the blowhards down a peg.So, what are the unsung and unheralded technologies that are the real workhorses keeping your business running? bMighty's 9 Underrated Technologies For Growing Companies proves once again that functional trumps flash and fancy every time. These nine technologies have been overlooked, underhyped, and taken for granted, but no more. From RSS to instant messaging, these are the places to turn when times get tough.
On the other hand, many hot technologies seem to ride on nothing more than hot air. Don't confuse good looks, marketing hype, or even dominant market share with real value. Many of the most familiar, popular, and widely used technologies cultivate cachet they just don't deserve. bMighty's picks for the most overblown technologies include perennial whipping boys like PDFs and Windows Mobile, as well as some more surprising choices.
Oh, and if you look really closely, you might notice that at least one technology is both underrated and overrated!
How can that be?
Well, some technologies are blessed with enormous potential, and burdened with boatloads of hype. We think that's the case with this particular one, but we'd love to hear what you think. Actually, we'd like to know what you think of both these lists. What did we get right, and wrong? What technologies do you think deserve more credit, and which ones are empty suits?
If we get enough responses, both here and on the Underrated and Overrated slide shows themselves, we'll update them with consensus choices.
Happy rating...
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