Another WCF Gotcha: Calling Another Service/Resource Within a Call
I wrote in the past how WCF defaults limit scalability but this thing (which had cost me two days of head scratching) is even worse. Consider the following scenario:
You have a WCF service/resource. when you get a message/request your codes needs to send another message to another service.
Sounds common enough now doesn't it? And it is -- unless you happen to use a service with WebHttpBinding (e.g. if you try to develop a RESTful WCF service or want to use POX services). When you use WebHttpBinding and try to make a call within a call you are likely to find yourself starring at a ProtocolException with a 405 error - Method not allowed. Turns out WCF finds itself confused by the Operation Context (OperationalContextScope) of the incoming request so if you want things to work properly you need to create a new one for the request
var webBinding = new WebHttpBinding(); var channel = new ChannelFactory<ImContract>(webBinding, controlUri); channel.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior()); var proxy = channel.CreateChannel(); using( OperationContextScope((IContextChannel) proxy)) { proxy.Dostuff() }
I already spent the time figuring this bugger out. I hope this post will save you the trouble.
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