Best Laid Plans, Or Cables...
On Tuesday night, two unrelated undersea cables in the Mediterranean were cut within hours of each other, disrupting Internet and phone service to Egypt and, more significantly, to India, the call center capital of the world.
On Tuesday night, two unrelated undersea cables in the Mediterranean were cut within hours of each other, disrupting Internet and phone service to Egypt and, more significantly, to India, the call center capital of the world.So even with supplier, route, and entrance diversity, customers lost connections to their call centers and remote sites until telcos could scramble to re-route traffic to other cables. Some Verizon customers reported problems well into Wednesday morning.
While not as bad as switching to satellite transmission, some applications from Europe to banking centers like Dubai that are now taking the trans-Pacific route may be badly affected by the additional latency.
Just goes to show you. No matter how well you plan, something crops up.
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