Business Technology: Time To Give Thanks For Many Things

Like so many others in this marvelous country of ours, I have many things for which to be thankful. Below is my list--please send me your lists as well, and we'll post them on <i></i>

Bob Evans, Contributor

November 21, 2003

4 Min Read

Like so many others in this marvelous country of ours, I have many things for which to be thankful. Below is my list--please send me your lists as well, and we'll post them on

To be living in a country that has in the past two years led the fight to bring freedom to 48 million Afghans and Iraqis by overthrowing murderous regimes.

That the United States affords its citizens the unfettered right to vigorously protest against and criticize those noble actions and policies.

For the men and women of this country's armed forces, who through their extraordinary courage and commitment willingly put themselves in harm's way so the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted.

For Visa International and other companies that are using their technology expertise and infrastructure to help stop the spread of child pornography and identify the animals engaged in its production and distribution.

For our own children and all young people everywhere, whose innocence and potential help all of us keep in mind our overarching priorities and responsibilities.

For the courageous, resilient spirit of tens of thousands of IT workers who have seen their positions or departments eliminated and who have responded valiantly by continuing to remake themselves with greater relevance and value in today's rapidly changing--and often cruelly challenging--job market.

For Moore's Law and the staggering potential it continues to unleash.

For the entrepreneurial spirit that harnesses that potential and transforms it into products and services that can improve our professional and personal lives.

For the pursuit, development, and deployment of new types of transformative technologies like RFID that trigger innovation and job creation.

For the emergence of less-romantic attitudes toward hackers and computer sabotage that will force those who perpetrate such attacks to bear full responsibility for their malicious and destructive actions.

For my colleagues, who daily inspire me with their talent, professionalism, and relentless commitment to our readers.

For having the opportunity to work in a business where the brilliant technology, crazy adventures, and remarkable companies all underscore that none of that matters without vibrant, creative, and dedicated people: from developers to CFOs, from venture capitalists to help-desk managers, from chief security officers to database administrators, from CIOs overseeing billion-dollar budgets to starry-eyed entrepreneurs pursuing The Next Big Thing.

And for you, those readers whose passion for innovation, customer value, and corporate and individual success make it sheer joy to be a part of this remarkable business. A blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving to you all.

Bob Evans
Editor in Chief
[email protected]
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About the Author(s)

Bob Evans


Bob Evans is senior VP, communications, for Oracle Corp. He is a former InformationWeek editor.

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