Cellyspace Tool Converts RSS To MMS For MobileCellyspace Tool Converts RSS To MMS For Mobile
Content is presented in a slideshow format of up to eight slides. Each slide can contain an image, 300 characters of text, and an optional URL.

Cellyspace has introduced a tool for mobile content providers to convert RSS alerts to Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages for mobile handsets.
With RSS-to-MMS conversion, the feed can be viewed without a user first logging on to a mobile Web site or launching a feed-reader application. Instead, subscribers are alerted on receipt of the feed and can view it immediately or whenever it's convenient since the alert is stored in their messaging in-boxes.
"Auto-conversion of RSS content will make mobile syndication easier and more readily available," said Skycore, developers of Cellyspace.com, in a statement. "By delivering multimedia feeds rather than short, text-only feeds subscribers will be more fully engaged in the content."
Converted content is presented in a slideshow format of up to eight slides. Each slide can contain an image, 300 characters of text, and an optional URL for additional content or promotions. Providers may bill for MMS feeds as either premium or standard content; third-party advertising or promotions can also be added to feeds.
"Feeds with both images and text are generally more compelling than those with text alone," Skycore president Rich Eicher said. "Engaging subscribers improves subscription retention and increases their response to any call to action in the feed."
Cellyspace publishing tools are also available for use by content providers to simplify the subscription opt-in process, including an HTML widget and link generator for the provider's Web site; a custom keyword for use in their print and broadcast promotions; and a WAP mobile Internet jump-page generator for mobile advertising networks.
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