CIO Fedex Rob Carter to KeynoteCIO Fedex Rob Carter to Keynote
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.

Last month, I had the pleasure of hearing Rob Carter, CIO of FedEx, speak to a group of our clients. We were graciously hosted by Rob at the FedEx Labs and took a tour of the main FedEx sorting facility in Memphis. Rob sees himself as somewhat of an Enterprise 2.0 evangelist for FedEx and will provide an excellent view of the challenges and opportunities facing large enterprises as they take the 2.0 plunge.Rob Carter, although he runs one of the most sophisticated logistics information enterprises in the world, sees the value in connectedness and 2.0 networking. He's well aware of the dramatic shift that is taking place as a result of the next generation web. Look for Rob's keynote on the morning of the first day of the conference. If you have questions for Rob, send them along, and we'll see if he can address your inquiries.
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