I.T. Hiring Heats Up

Dramatic shifts in the candidate market could soon have organizations competing fiercely to attract and retain top talent

InformationWeek Staff, Contributor

January 25, 2006

2 Min Read

While the frantic pace of the dot-com boom hasn't returned, the IT job market is far different from what it was as recently as a year ago. Here are three months' worth of steps that will help CIOs attract and retain top IT talent.

Month 1 > Set needs-assessment and staffing strategies

Evaluate local employment and compensation trends.

Analyze your department's workload trends.

Determine your staffing needs: full-time, project, and outsourced.

Assess whether internal staff can handle current and projected demands.

Determine your financial resources.

Develop an accurate, thorough job description.

Examine the compensation package to make sure it's competitive.

Month 2 > Set a recruitment strategy

Determine sources for quality candidates, including internal staff, professional network, targeted job boards, IT staffing firms, and outsourcers.

Develop resumé- and candidate-screening processes.

Anticipate internal delays prior to initiating the interview process to help ensure that quality candidates aren't lost to more nimble competitors.

Identify the interview team and ensure its availability.

During interviews, sell your company and its IT-friendly culture.

Evaluate candidates' intangible qualities, including communication skills, resourcefulness, and collaborative abilities.

Month 3 > Set a retention strategy

Ensure that your employee-orientation process is effective.

Regularly re-evaluate staff compensation to ensure it reflects changing market conditions.

Promote a positive corporate culture with initiatives including: employee recognition, promotion from within, mentoring programs, and programs that support work/life balance.

Provide employees with training and other opportunities to enhance their technical and professional skills.

Help staffers determine their career paths within the organization.

Create a procedure for letting employees go.

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