Mythbusters' Adam Savage Hit With $11,000 Data Bill From AT&TMythbusters' Adam Savage Hit With $11,000 Data Bill From AT&T
Adam Savage, one of the mighty busters of myths on The Discovery Channel's <a href="">Mythbusters</a> show, is freaking out on Twitter right now. The target of his rage? AT&T, for slapping him with an $11,000 bill after he surfed the Web in Canada for a few hours.

Adam Savage, one of the mighty busters of myths on The Discovery Channel's Mythbusters show, is freaking out on Twitter right now. The target of his rage? AT&T, for slapping him with an $11,000 bill after he surfed the Web in Canada for a few hours.This has happened before and it will surely happen again. If Tweets are to be believed, Adam apparently took a laptop modem with him on a recent trip to Canada. While there, he claims he spent several hours surfing the Web. Upon his return, he was hit with an $11,000 bill in data roaming fees.
Here is the public timeline of his tweets:
Sorry, bit of explanation: device in question wasn't my phone, it was the AT&T usb connect Mercury modem.
And I got the "data is charged at .015 cents, or a penny and a half, per kb". About to try to explain the difference to them. Sigh.
They're claiming I uploaded/downloaded 9 million kilobytes (9 gigs) while in Canada. Frakking impossible.
@--- you read it right. $11,000.00
Did I mention they've turned off my phone until I pay? #attsucks
Almost forgot: Hey AT&T! I will fight this bulls--t.
Text messaging fees are stupid robbery? (they are), AT&T is attempting to charge me 11k for a few hours of web surfing in Canada. Pls RT!
I thought it was sort of funny to see a celebrity experiencing the same thing that regular unwitting users do (no offense, Adam!), so I re-tweeted (re-posted) his message. A few minutes later, an AT&T spokesperson emailed me and said, "We're helping that guy out you just RTed. Do you know him?" Well, AT&T, I only know him in so much as the fact that he's a celebrity and I watch his show on television every week. He likes to blow things up, and I like to watch him blow things up.
Adam's Twitter page is:
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