Palm Pre Round Up: Release Date Imminent, Packaging Revealed

Today's Palm Pre news pegs the Pre's release date to be announced through the <i>Wall Street Journal</i> next week. The actual release date? Well, that's been guessed at, too.

Eric Ogren, Contributor

May 12, 2009

2 Min Read

Today's Palm Pre news pegs the Pre's release date to be announced through the Wall Street Journal next week. The actual release date? Well, that's been guessed at, too.I don't know what to say about this. The Boy Genius reports:

We just got a tip from a very proven tipster who informed us that Palm and Sprint were set to make a big announcement in the Wall Street Journal on May 19th. They said that there's a very good chance of Palm and Sprint announcing the Pre release date then. Confusing, eh?

Yes, I'd agree, that's confusing. Is the Wall Street Journal really going to be given an exclusive on announcing the release date of the hotly-anticipated Palm Pre? I could understand if Palm gave Walt Mossberg (the Journal's tech reviewer) an exclusive first review of the device, but an exclusive on the release date? That's just silly. Silly or not, all eyes will be on come Tuesday, May 19.

In addition to this tidbit of info, the Boy Genius is also pegging June 7 as the launch date for the Palm Pre. Why? Because Best Buy has added the Touchstone wireless charger to its inventory system with a release date of June 7. June 7 happens to be two days after the supposed Lunch Launch that was talked about last week. Head spinning yet?

Keep in mind, there's been no official word from either Sprint or Palm about when the Pre will be released.

What else is going on in the world of the Palm Pre? Well, it appears as though the box and packaging for the Pre has been photographed and shared for all to see. You can check out pictures here. No new information about the device itself has been revealed by the packaging pictures.

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