Peek Launches $99 Dedicated Twitter Gadget
TwitterPeek is a device for people who want Twitter access on the go, but don't want to use their cell phones.
For Twitter fans who want an easy way to tweet other than their cell phones and PCs, gadget-maker Peek introduced a dedicated device that's always ready to tweet.
(click image for larger view)
Peek TwitterPeek
TwitterPeek is a $99 palm-sized device with a QWERTY keyboard, color screen and click scroll wheel. It comes with six months of unlimited service. After that, buyers have to pay $7.95 a month for the service. Paying $199 upfront for TwitterPeek gets the buyer unlimited Twitter service for the lifetime of the device.
Peek promises nationwide coverage in the United States and is selling the TwitterPeek with a 30-day money back guarantee. The device also comes with a one-year manufacturer's warranty.
TwitterPeek is available exclusively on Amazon.
Peek, which also sells dedicated e-mail gadgets, is launching TwitterPeek at a time when growth in the number of Twitter users may be leveling off. After growing more than 1,000% over the last 12 months, the number of unique visitors in September fell 0.17% from the previous month, according to Web analytics firm Compete. The site attracted 23.5 million visitors that month.
Whether TwitterPeek will be a hot item during the holiday-shopping season remains to be seen. Twitter is accessible over text messaging, which is a feature of virtually every cell phone on the market today. Also, many companies offer downloadable smartphone applications for Twitter power-users. Those products include, for example, Tweetie, an easy-to-use and versatile Twitter client for Apple's iPhone. A new version of the product was release last month. Tweetie costs $2.99.
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