Samsung Ads Poke Fun At Apple FanboysSamsung Ads Poke Fun At Apple Fanboys

Samsung has a little fun at Apple's expense with its new ad campaign. Skewered Apple fanboys, anyone?

Eric Zeman, Contributor

November 23, 2011

2 Min Read
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While patent battles rage between Apple and Samsung around the globe, Samsung has decided to take its fight to those who really matter: consumers.

The campaign is made of a number of TV commercials that are set on a city street with people--wearing white earbuds--waiting in line for a new phone to be released. Though Samsung doesn't come out and actually use the words "Apple iPhone", it is obvious what the people are in line for.

Some of the funnier quips made by those waiting in line include references to standing in line for nine hours, poor battery life, the identical appearance of the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 4S, and a number of other crazy behaviors for which Apple fans are known to exhibit on iPhone launch days.

Of course, then the people in line spot a woman sitting on a nearby bench using the Samsung Galaxy S II. Eventually, they coax the woman into letting them see the phone and she boasts about the S II's large, bright display, 4G data speeds, Android apps/widgets, and so on.

Samsung clearly wants people to know that it sells smartphones, and isn't afraid to make fun of the competition while doing so.

"This campaign has been developed to bring consumers into the online and off-line buzz generated by the Galaxy S II since it first launched back in September," said Todd Pendleton, chief marketing officer for Samsung Mobile. "We want to let people know that there is a better choice out there when it comes to purchasing a smartphone. The next big thing is already here--you can have the latest, most innovative device without waiting in line."

Meanwhile, Samsung and Apple have sued one another over patents in Germany, garnering the interest of the European Union, which is beginning to get wary of all the lawsuits. The two have pending litigation in The Netherlands, Australia, the U.S. and other markets. Make no mistake, the battle is joined and the fight for global smartphone dominance is on.

Samsung points out that it has sold more than 10 million units of the Galaxy S II since its debut earlier this year. We don't know how many iPhone 4S units Apple has sold yet, but we know that it moved four million of them the first weekend alone, and there continues to be a one- to two-week wait for those looking to purchase one.

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About the Author

Eric Zeman


Eric is a freelance writer for InformationWeek specializing in mobile technologies.

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