Virtual Enterprise 2.0 Conference ScheduleVirtual Enterprise 2.0 Conference Schedule
We've been fielding a lot of questions about the schedule for Virtual Enterprise 2.0 Conference

We've been fielding a lot of questions about the schedule for Virtual Enterprise 2.0 Conference and, at long last, we are now ready to unveil the program schedule - minus full details on the Microsoft keynote.Between sessions, check out the Expo Floor and network with other attendees in the lounge - just like at a physical event. Be sure to stop by the Enterprise 2.0 Conference booth and say hi too.... and remember this is all free.10:30 am (All times are Eastern Standard Time)Doors Open - Network with other attendees in the lounge, take a first trip through the Expo Floor and get a feel for the user interface.11:00 amOpening Keynote - Head over to the Keynote Hall to hear from Morten T. Hansen, Professor, University of California Berkeley, School of Information and Author of Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results12:00 pmAccelerating Business Performance with Enterprise 2.0 - Oliver Marks & Sameer Patel of the Sovos Group discuss the stages from inception to completion that form the gateways to successful justification, budget allocation and roll out. The session will provide guidance on how to plan, internally sell, design, develop and launch Enterprise 2.0 initiatives that will provide tangible business value to your organization.1:00 pmBuilding an Interactive Enterprise - Join Louis Richardson, Worldwide Sales Executive, Social Software from IBM, as he reviews what IBM is doing to challenge people to think differently and do business differently. Learn how to create an interactive office environment with enterprise 2.0 capabilities that can bring people and content together quickly, integrate them into existing business processes, support high performance teaming, and drive faster decision making across the value chain of your organization.1:30 pmIBM Meet the Expert Q&A - Head over to the IBM booth for an in-depth Q&A session with Martha Mealy from IBM Lotus Market Management.2:00 pmMicrosoft Keynote - TBA2:30 pmMicrosoft Q&A Session - Who doesn't have questions for Microsoft? This is your chance to ask them directly.3:00 pmSocial Software Tools: A Critical Evaluation - To date, technology analysts have quite properly focused on the social and business aspects of social software. And yet, social software tools (including collaboration suites, pure-play blog / wiki / social-networking products, and revamped portal products from major vendors) differ quite substantially in maturity, approach, and support. This session will share customer research from noted evaluation firm CMS Watch on leading social software technologies, and provide a framework for customers to evaluate the marketplace based on their own needs. Presented by Tony Byrne, Founder, CMS Watch.4:00 pmHello Again: The Evolution of - The 2009 Open Enterprise Award winner, Booz Allen Hamilton, is an organization well versed in leveraging Enterprise 2.0. In this session, learn how Booz Allen''s platform is evolving. From the tools leveraged to their approach to policy, governance, and user support, Hello, like many Enterprise 2.0 implementations, is changing as it is integrated into the fabric of the organization. Presented by Walton Smith, Senior Associate & Megan Murray, Community Manager/Project Coordinator, Booz Allen Hamilton6:00 pmEvent Closes
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