Vote for 'Cloudworker' Among Plantronics Contest Finalists!Vote for 'Cloudworker' Among Plantronics Contest Finalists!
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.

Dear Enterprise 2.0 readers:I know I've only been blogging here for a short time, but I have a favor to ask. My contribution, 'cloudworker', to the Plantronics contest to invent a new term for 'telecommuter' has made it to the top 10 finalists list from over 500 entries. The winner will be chosen by popular vote at: can vote once a day between Oct 30 and Nov 7. I honestly do think 'cloudworker' is the best of the lot.My request, please bookmark the link above and vote as many of the days over the next week as you can, and please email your contacts/post this to facebook etc. to get me some word-of-mouth votesHere is some boilerplate text you can use in your emails/re-blogs/Facebook profiles etc.
Venkatesh Rao, a blogger at and, who I read regularly, coined the term "cloudworker" and entered it in a contest, run by Plantronics, to update the obsolete term "telecommuter." The term is one of the 10 finalists out of over 500, and I really think it deserves to win, since it captures how remote workers today use cloud-based technology to work anywhere/anytime.
The winner will be selected by popular vote, so please go to and vote for "cloudworker". You can vote once a day between Oct 30 and Nov 7, so it'd be great if you could bookmark the link and remember to vote multiple times.
You might like Venkat's ongoing series of posts on cloudworkers:
Please forward this to any of your friends who are interested in 'future of work' stuff.
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If the term wins, I promise to be a diligent steward/participant of the concept in any conversations that might ensue.Really counting on you guys! Go Cloudworker!VenkatVenkatesh G. Rao writes a blog on business and innovation at, and is a Web technology researcher at Xerox. The views expressed in this blog are his personal ones and do not represent the views of his employer.
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