Welcome To bMighty 2.0!Welcome To bMighty 2.0!

When bMighty.com launched late last summer, we were very excited about the chance to help small and midsize companies better leverage technology to compete against larger companies. Well, as we celebrate our first anniversary, weve made some significant upgrades to the site. Our goals havent changed, but weve come up with some new and more direct ways to get there.

Fredric Paul, Contributor

September 3, 2008

4 Min Read
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When bMighty.com launched late last summer, we were very excited about the chance to help small and midsize companies better leverage technology to compete against larger companies. Well, as we celebrate our first anniversary, weve made some significant upgrades to the site. Our goals havent changed, but weve come up with some new and more direct ways to get there.The most obvious symbol of the changes that collectively make up bMighty 2.0 is the publication of the bMighty Manifesto--Small Is The New Large. This document lays out -- in what we hope is persuasive detail -- our contention that technology landscape has shifted in a profound way. Important trends like the Consumerization of IT and Cloud Computing are not just leveling the playing field, theyre actually tilting it in favor of smaller, more nimble organizations.

DONT MISS: The bMighty Manifesto--Small Is The New Large

The goal of bMighty 2.0 is to help growing companies understand and take advantage of these trends to be more competitive and more successful in the times of both economic uncertainty and unparalleled global opportunity.

Some of the changes in bMighty.com are obvious, others a bit more subtle, so I wanted to use this opportunity to call your attention to some of the differences.

To make our commitment to helping growing companies as clear as possible, weve updated our tag line from IT Power For Small and Mid-Size Business to Practical Technology Expertise For Growing Companies.

To make it easier to find timely technology news, views, insight and advice for growing businesses, weve combined the bMighty Blog and the bMighty ANTenna into the ANTenna Blog. And weve re-organized it to focus on the key topics you care about most. Now, right from the bMighty home page, you can easily see -- and go directly to--the latest information on Security, Mobility, Hardware & Software, Apple, Storage, the Internet, and much more. The most recent posts in each category are at the top of the list.

And weve created a new kind of blog post: The rANT is designed to deliver authoritative, no-holds-barred exposes of the outrageous excesses, petty annoyances, stupid mistakes, silly peccadilloes, and other oddities we all face in the world of technology and business. We are already lining up some fat targets, but if you see things that need to be brought to your fellow readers attention, please let us know about them at mailto:[email protected]. We promise to let everyone know about em.


You may also have noticed the addition of super-practical How-To Centers to the bMighty repertoire. Weve already launched Server How-To Center and the Imaging How-To Center, with more on the way. The How-To Centers offer exclusive downloadable guides on key technology topics, plus dedicated blogs and even video. And each How-To Center has links to related how-to content on bMighty.com, on the InformationWeek Business Technology Network, and around the Web.

With all these changes, we also thought it was important to update the bMighty home page. So in addition to the new blog presentation, weve replaced our animated carousel with a single "top story" area and a simple list of the most recent features and columns. The idea is to make it easier to see whats new on the site. Plus, the left side navigation now offers direct links to our popular Slideshow features.

Finally, because we know bMighty readers dont always start at the home page, weve relaunched all three of our e-mail newsletters--the bMighty Daily, the bMighty Weekly Digest, and SmallBizResource Weekly. All three newsletters now feature original content in every issue, tying together the stories we present with additional insight and context. Plus, the newsletters have been redesigned to be radically simpler and easier to read.

Were proud of the changes weve made as we enter our second year, but wed like to know what you think as well. Feel free to comment here, or drop me a line at mailto:[email protected].

Oh, and if you happen to be in New York City on September 17 and 18, please come meet the bMighty team at the SMB Theater and Pavilion were hosting at Interop NY.

Hope to see you there!

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