Booz Allen Hamilton Gains Visibility into Global Data at the Push of a ButtonBooz Allen Hamilton Gains Visibility into Global Data at the Push of a Button

New Hyperion solution helps firm deliver consulting excellence using timely, accurate information.

InformationWeek Staff, Contributor

November 16, 2005

2 Min Read
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Consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, which provides strategy and technology support for commercial and government clients worldwide, needed greater access to accurate, internal financial and operational information that was available on a more timely basis. In Hyperion System 9, the firm discovered a solution that not only met those needs but made the information available through on-demand, one-click access, via the Web.

"In today's environment, client requirements can change in a heartbeat," said Dan Miller, senior manager with Booz Allen. "Being able to react and be nimble in the marketplace is of paramount importance. We need the flexibility -- the adaptability -- to look at our data in different ways, so that our users can make key decisions with speed, accuracy and confidence."

"Hyperion System 9 features a front-end interface to all Hyperion applications, making it possible for us to access the performance management data we need to better support our clients worldwide," said Kevin Cook, Director of Firmwide Financial Reporting Systems at Booz Allen. "With the touch of a button, we have visibility into a wealth of current, accurate information, ranging from the financial performance of the firm to operational metrics."

The company is also using the Hyperion System 9 integration with Microsoft Office to increase productivity. "We develop presentations frequently," said Cook. "We have been updating financial data presentation-by-presentation in a time consuming, manual process. With Hyperion System 9, we will be able to automatically update presentations, pulling data out of our global data warehouse. It will be a tremendous time saver."

In the past, Booz Allen has relied on manual processes and a combination of reports to gather and present information from separate accounting and reporting systems. Now, the company will use Hyperion System 9 to provide a single, centralized view into the firm's performance. Through Hyperion System 9, the company will be able to standardize its business practices and provide a single view of crucial performance management information to senior leaders.

"Before, we had data in separate accounting and reporting systems," said Miller. "Hyperion System 9 gives us a one point, one click solution that enables us to combine that information to help us go after the market as a unified force."

Hyperion System 9 is also being used to combine financial and operational data for the company, providing greater drill down capabilities into critical information than was previously available.

Hyperion System 9 will have the added benefit of accelerating the reporting of financial and operational information at the firm. With Hyperion System 9, the company will be able to pull information from the global data warehouse by the sixth business day of the month, approximately 10 business days earlier than under the previous method.

Additionally, Booz Allen anticipates lowering infrastructure and administrative costs through Hyperion System 9, and reduced training costs, thanks to ease of use of the new solution.

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