The Onion's Technology Year In Review

Had enough Year In Review stories yet? You might want to make room for one more... The Onion's hilarious Already Obsolete Technology Year In Review.

Fredric Paul, Contributor

January 5, 2009

1 Min Read

Had enough Year In Review stories yet? You might want to make room for one more... The Onion's hilarious Already Obsolete Technology Year In Review.The satirical newspaper's New Years Day issue was devoted to 2008's top tech stories, but in classic Onion fashion, most of the stories weren't even from last year. But that didn't make them any less funny, or less insightful.

If you move fast, you may still be able to find the January 1, 2009 issue in local newsboxes. If you're too late, you can see most of the stories in this slideshow. For example, you get Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can't Index and Modern-Day John Henry Dies Trying To Out-Spreadsheet Excel 11.0.

But the slideshow doesn't include some of the best items in the print issue, like Even CEO Can't Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business and the difficult to believe Factual Error Found On Internet.

Just be warned. Not all these stories are totally safe for work -- The Onion has a well-known potty mouth. But they are all totally amusing.

Oh, and then there's this story: Apple patents an iGlove for chilly iPhone users. Wait, that's not The Onion, that one's real!

Some slightly more serious looks back at 2008: bMighty's Top Stories Of 2008 bMighty's Top Blog Posts of 2008Beyond The Meltdown: A Look Back At How 2008 Affected Your Business Security 2008: Bad Year, But Better Than What's Ahead Looking Back At 2008's Key Network Developments

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