McAfee Adds Firefox Support To Anti-Fraud ServiceMcAfee Adds Firefox Support To Anti-Fraud Service
SiteAdvisor Plus displays ratings beside links in e-mail and instant messages, and automatically blocks access to questionable sites when the browser is pointed to a potentially risky URL.

McAfee added support Tuesday for the Firefox browser and AOL's instant messenger to its SiteAdvisor Plus anti-fraud service.
The premium edition of McAfee's free site checker, SiteAdvisor Plus, displays ratings beside links in e-mail and instant messages, and automatically blocks access to questionable sites when the browser is pointed to a potentially risky URL. The latter part of the service relies on a database of fraudulent sites that is updated in real time.
SiteAdvisor now supports both Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox; the AIM, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, and Yahoo Messenger instant messaging clients; and e-mail software and Web-based services such as AOL Mail, Gmail, Microsoft Live Mail, Outlook, Outlook Express, and Yahoo Mail.
SiteAdvisor Plus costs $19.99 for an annual subscription; $39.99 for a three-computer license. The free SiteAdvisor, which also supports IE and Firefox, can also be downloaded from the McAfee site.
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